The day began with a relaxing morning of moose sausage, home fries and waffles. Some even brave enough to try Birch Syrup. As the morning began to come to an end we gathered our things and headed out to the Wynn Nature center. Before we took off we stopped for coffee at one of the best coffee places around Hot stuff Coffee and of course gas. Arriving at the nature center we found snow awaiting us, some of us unprepared in sneakers. As we went on a short hike we learned about early spring edibles like cow parsley and types of cranberries. After a struggle through the different types of snow our simple but snowy trek soon came to an end and we headed off to the docks to study the creatures that grew there. The creature’s of the dock ranged from Seaweed to anemones to sponges along with barnacles and even starfish.
-Leann and Michayla
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