What was supposed to be a relaxing day-in turned into some true adventures! With a quiet morning, a pair of the crew went off to see the volcanoes (Iliamna and Redoubt) across our cabin and came across a man basking in the morning sun and smell of Moose poop. The day continued with an educational talk on Cook Inlet Beluga whales and the important part humans play in making sure they repopulate and stay in the area. Then it was off to the grocery store, making a pit stop to see the beautiful view... pictures attached can never do it justice. We picked up snacks and more to feed our adventurous bellies. Then for dinner we all joined together to have a true in fashion cookout, with hot dogs on the grill, potato salad and baked beans. We ended with competitive volleyball rounds (Dr. Stilts was the real MVP) to prepare for the games ahead of us, smores, campfire and lots of laughter.

Annabelle and Casey


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